Hi there, I’m Frank Wu
🏫 First year PhD student @UCR, advised by Prof. Zhiyun Qian.
💻 Currently exploring System Security & Program Analysis in [UCR Security Lab]
✨ I’m interested about Automation & Reversing & Binary Exploitation & APT Things
🔑 GPG ID: F3361E0E712472BB01957DFBC252135B3B91FF1D
Hack with S1uM4i and r3kapig for fun.
Aka Frankss, former leader of COMPASS CTF in COMPASS Lab.
🏫 Bachelor at @SUSTech
In [Teecert Lab], advised by Prof. Yinqian Zhang.
Graduate with Honors (🏅outstanding graduate and 🏅distinguished UG thesis).
- [ESORICS’24] SAEG: Stateful Automatic Exploit Generation (Source code here)
Yifan Wu, Yinshuai Li, Hong Zhu, Yinqian Zhang
29th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Sep. 2024.
[Paper PDF]
Teaching Experiences
- [2023 Fall] CS315: Computer Security (TA, 🏅Outstanding Teaching Assistant),
Some course materials designed by me (more about it):- Buffer Overflow: Lecture | Lab instruction | Lab attachments
- Return-to-libc: Lecture | Lab instruction | Lab attachments
- Fuzzing & Symbolic Execution: Lecture | Lab instruction | Lab attachments
- [2022 Spring] CS102A: Introduction to Computer Programming A (TA)
- [2020 Spring] CS102A: Introduction to Computer Programming A (TA)
Competition Awards
[2024] 亚军 第八届强网杯全国网络安全挑战赛线上赛(一等奖)
[2024] 季军 第二届京麒CTF挑战赛决赛 [link]
[2023] 冠军 第二届广东省网络空间安全大赛 [link]
[2023] 国一 第十六届全国大学生信息安全竞赛(CISCN)总决赛 [link]
[2023] 省一 第十六届全国大学生信息安全竞赛(CISCN)华南分区赛 [link]
[2023] 冠军 全国大学生计算机系统能力大赛(华为毕昇杯) [link]
[2023] 亚军 鹏城实验室鹏城杯综合渗透挑战赛 [link]
[2023] 亚军 蚂蚁集团安全响应中心D^3CTF [link]
[2022] 巅峰人才奖 巅峰极客挑战赛 [link]
[2022] 冠军 春秋杯冬季赛 [link]